• Interventional手技におけるイメージングの課題


    • ALARA(必要最低限の線量)において高画質が求められます。**
    • 線量の最適化は複雑な作業を伴い、且つ、低線量設定のためには手技中のマニュアル操作が必要となります。
    • 画質と線量のベストバランスを得る技術を習得するには一般的に数年かかり、オペレータによるばらつきもあります。
    • 同じ手技や比較的新しい装置であっても、治療に用いられる線量には大きなばらつきがあるとの報告があります。


    ** As Low As Reasonably Achievable

AutoRight¹: 1st intelligent image chain²

AutoRightはニューラルネットワークを採用し、患者さまの解剖学的情報やCアームの角度の情報を考慮することで線量を抑え、適正な画質を自動的に維持します4。 AutoRightは、術者が患者さまや治療に集中できるようにするため、技術的な条件を最適化することでIntelligentにサポートします。
  • AutoRight
    Automated Image Acquisition

    Fast and clear imaging starts with optimal image acquisition.

    The better the acquisition, the better the information captured.

    AutoRight, is designed to :
    • Deliver repeatable & fast choices;
    • Make image optimization fully automated throughout the entire procedure, in real time;
    • Dynamically optimize acquisition parameters, adapting to C-arm movements, angulations, imaged anatomy or patient density.
  • AutoRight
    Smart Image Processing

    Personalized image rendering displayed on a high-luminance DICOM Monitor.

    Once the image has been acquired, processed to obtain the best possible signal, and tailored to user preference with myIQ6 , it needs to be displayed to the interventionalist without distortion or signal loss.

    For that purpose, all GEHC IGS systems are fitted with a high-luminance DICOM monitor, digitally linked to the image processor.

    Achieving short image display delays allows guiding tools and injecting contrast media to be efficiently used.
  • AutoRight
    Smart Image Processing

    Delivering critically useful image data to the display in real-time.

    For each acquisition mode, several image processing operators have been designed to act on all image aspects (brightness, contrast, sharpness, noise) to improve the image rendering.

    More specifically these include:
    • Dynamic Range Management (DRM) operator;
    • Subtraction operators;
    • AutoPixelShift (APS) operator;
    • Edge Enhancement operator;
    • Denoising Techniques operators.
  1. AutoRight refers to intelligent image chain features of GEHC’s Interventional x-ray systems, from image acquisition to image processing and display, available on Innova IGS 5, Innova IGS 6, Discovery IGS 7 and Discovery IGS 7 OR 
  2. Based on competitive research, among major players in interventional imaging 
  3. de Ruiter et al. Meta-analysis of cumulative radiation duration and dose during EVAR using mobile, fixed, or Fixed/3D fusion C-Arms. J Endovasc Ther (2016). 
  4. Except when system limits are reached
  5. Source-to-image distance optimization (InnovaSense) is an option available on Innova IGS 5 (IGS 520 and IGS 530 configurations), Innova IGS 6, Discovery IGS 7 (IGS 730 configuration) and Discovery IGS 7 OR (IGS 730 OR configuration)
  6. myIQ is a customization of image display available on Innova IGS 5, Innova IGS 6, Discovery IGS 7 & Discovery IGS 7 OR. Refer to your sales representative. System is delivered with default settings. Customization requires a GE Healthcare representative


カタログ記載名称: Innova IGS 520, 530, 540, 620, 630, Discovery IGS 730, 740
